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Old English Resources

This page will direct you to all the Old English resources available on this site. Currently, this includes reading lists, study guides and notes on Old English grammar, mostly prepared for undergraduate students. If you have any ideas or requests for resources to be included on this page, please let me know.

Study Guides

Introductory Reading

Writing Commentaries
Writing Translations

Old English in Modern Culture
Warfare and Heroism
Language and Literacy
Gender and the Body
Religion and Spirituality


Class 1: Introductory Grammar
Class 2: Nouns and Case
Class 3: Pronouns (coming soon)
Class 4: Verbs (coming soon)
Class 5: Prepositions, Conjunctions, Determiners (coming soon)


Old English etexts

Notes on The Wanderer
Notes on The Battle of Maldon
Notes on The Dream of the Rood
Notes on Beowulf's Fight with Grendel


The rise and fall of Roman Britain

Some other pages which you may find useful:

The Old English Coursepack. Here you will find a number of Old English hypertexts, with glossaries and notes, as well as translations, reading lists, and contextual information.

The Labyrinth has a large and very useful set of links to Old English resources, including Etexts and bibliographies. (Click on 'English, Old' under 'Categories').

Peter Baker's Introduction to Old English - probably an easier grammar to follow than Mitchell and Robinson. There are also online exercises here to test your Old English, and various other helpful resources.